Ms. Chikondi Nsusa is the Senior Programme Officer (SPO) – Transport in the Infrastructure Directorate of the SADC Secretariat. In her position as SPO Transport, she is responsible for facilitating and coordinating the development and implementation and harmonization of policies and programmes in support of SADC Regional Integration, with the purpose of ensuring availability and universal access to sufficient, integrated, efficient, and cost-effective transport infrastructure systems as well as the provision of sustainable services in the SADC region. Having worked continuously in the transport sector for more than 15 years, Ms. Nsusa appreciates the critical role that railways play in the economies of countries at large and the hidden potential that African countries have in boosting their economies through having efficient, well connected and operational railway systems. Ms. Nsusa previously worked for the World Bank as Senior Transport Officer in the Malawi Country Office where she was Team Leader for a regional project between Malawi and the United Republic of Tanzania, and also supported several national projects in the region including Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda and the United Republic of Tanzania. It is her endeavour to use her present role as SADC SPO Transport to make an impact through her effective contribution of transport in progressing SADC Member States towards the Agenda 2063 goals.